
The Importance of Vitamins A and D for Health and Well-Being

Matthew L 发布

Vitamins A and D are important for the growth and development of babies, but they need to be given in appropriate amounts. These vitamins play critical roles in various aspects of infant health, and understanding their importance can help parents ensure their babies are getting the nutrients they need. Vitamin A for Babies Importance: Vision Development: Vitamin A is essential for eye health and development in infants. It helps form and maintain healthy vision, particularly in low-light conditions. Immune System: Vitamin A supports the immune system, helping babies fight off infections. Skin and Tissue Health: It is important for the...

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BioCell 生物活性胶原蛋白是否与葡萄糖胺功效相似?可以同时服用两种产品让功效加倍吗?

Danielle K 发布

BioCell 生物活性胶原蛋白是否与葡萄糖胺功效相似?可以同时服用两种产品让功效加倍吗?
Is BioCell Collagen similar to glucosamine?  Find out more

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Three Easy tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Danielle K 发布

Source: by: Cheryl Wright, Registered Holistic Nutritionist Chances are your holidays last year were cooped up with the same household members you spent every other day of the pandemic with. This year with vaccination rates rising, you might have an opportunity to enjoy some in-person holiday cheer. Unfortunately, whether in-person or virtual this joyous time can also bring stress. Sometimes it’s good stress; trying to fit in all your traditions such as setting up holiday décor or cooking traditional meals or treats. Chances are you love them when complete, but the process can be frustrating and time consuming. Bad...

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7 Strategies to Fight Colds Naturally

Tianna Chang 发布

7 Strategies to Fight Colds Naturally

Are you ready to be healthy this winter? Sore throats, nasal congestion, and coughs can be concerns for both children and adults this time of the year. Drier air from the cold weather and more time indoors are two potential factors that may contribute to the increased spread of germs, leading to more common colds during the winter months. Additional considerations such as increased stress levels, as well as poor eating and lifestyle habits, can dampen our immune response and increase our chances of illness.It’s important to know there are effective strategies to support our bodies during the common cold...

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Danielle K 发布


来源: 胶原蛋白是您体内最丰富的蛋白质。它是一种蛋白质,可以增强皮肤的弹性和水分。随着年龄的增长,您的身体产生的胶原蛋白减少,导致皮肤干燥和皱纹的形成。由于人体的胶原蛋白生成在 30 岁左右开始下降,因此补充剂在维持健康水平方面发挥着重要作用。 胶原蛋白肽如何发挥作用? 从技术上讲,胶原蛋白肽是水解的、生物可利用的胶原蛋白,您可以服用它来补充身体天然产生的胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白肽是非常小的胶原蛋白片段,很容易被人体消化和利用。他们通过运送到最需要的地区来补充我们自然失去的胶原蛋白。 哪种类型的胶原蛋白补充剂最适合滋养皮肤? 当谈到哪种胶原蛋白类型最适合皮肤时,请寻找已经过临床研究的胶原蛋白,它有科学研究来支持。例如,Collagen30 由胶原蛋白肽制成,临床证明可在 30 天内减少细纹和皱纹。 [1,2] 资料来源:韦伯自然 片剂、软糖还是粉末?形式重要吗? 当谈到胶原蛋白补充剂的有效性时,输送形式之间没有区别。如果您想使用片剂,使用粉末来源服用胶原蛋白,甚至享受美味的软糖,只要您能够遵循推荐的剂量并满足您的日常需求,这只是个人喜好。以下是一些优缺点,可帮助您选择最适合您的形式: 无论您如何服用胶原蛋白,您都会获得相同的氨基酸。这完全取决于您的选择! 牛胶原蛋白和海洋胶原蛋白的区别——你应该选择哪一个? 决定因素归结为个人喜好、饮食限制,甚至是过敏等健康问题。海洋胶原蛋白主要含有 1 型胶原蛋白。它的大小比牛源小,因此可能具有更高的生物利用度。牛胶原蛋白来自牛,主要含有 1 型和 3 型胶原蛋白。这两种来源都富含氨基酸,并已证明对皮肤和关节健康有益。 什么时候吃胶原蛋白最好? 目前,没有研究支持在一天中的哪个时间服用胶原蛋白会给您带来最好的效果。有些人认为早上空腹服用胶原蛋白以达到最大吸收。理论上,你需要胃酸来消化蛋白质,从而支持这种方法。另一些人选择在晚上服用胶原蛋白,以便您的身体在睡眠时充分消化和吸收胶原蛋白。同样,什么时间服用这取决于个人喜好。 吃多少胶原蛋白? 为获得最佳效果,请确保您遵循标签上的建议。根据临床研究,服用 2500 毫克生物活性胶原蛋白肽 (Verisol®) 或 2000 毫克海洋胶原蛋白 (Colactive™) 可在 30 天内显著减少眼部皱纹。 [1,2,3] --乔伊斯·约翰逊 ND Joyce Johnson 博士是一名获得执照的自然疗法医生和自然健康和生活方式专家,在自然医学领域拥有 18 年的经验。

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