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News — Canadian Vitamin Shop

How does Nattokinase Support Healthy Blood Circulation

Michael L 張貼

Nattokinase is a potent enzyme extracted from natto, a dish made by fermenting boiled soybeans with a specific strain of bacteria known as Bacillus subtilis. This enzyme has been traditionally used in Japanese cuisine, but its benefits extend far beyond being a culinary delight. Nattokinase is recognized for its ability to support cardiovascular health, primarily by promoting healthy blood circulation and helping to reduce the risk of blood clots.⁠ Nattokinase capsules are a popular supplement known for their ability to support healthy blood circulation. But how do they work, and what makes them so effective? What is Nattokinase? Nattokinase is...

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Natural Vitamin Direct 是100% 加拿大擁有和經營的保健品公司

Michael L 張貼

在過去疫情發生的一年半裏,我們很高興堅持爲我們的客戶、供應商和業務合作夥伴提供支持。 這裏是 Natural Vitamin Direct,我們將繼續努力提供最好的服務。 自 1997 年以來,Natural Vitamin Direct 一直爲來自世界各地的客戶提供服務。 作爲一家 100% 由加拿大人擁有和經營的公司,我們很榮幸能與加拿大領先的制造商合作,提供該國生産的最佳産品。 通過 Jamieson Wellness、Natural Factors、Nature's Way、Prairie Naturals SISU、Webber Naturals 等著名品牌,我們爲每個客戶提供優質服務。我們的客服團隊很樂意回答您可能遇到的任何問題。 我們的官網 比以往任何時候都更安全便捷,我們的團隊更團結強大!

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